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大專院校之學界有台北、台 中、台南、高雄、雲林、彰化、苗栗等七個道場。海外有日本、新加坡、吉隆坡、泰國、亞羅斯打、洛杉磯六個道場。另對正積極開荒中的國家,劃分了十個道務中 心,即舊金山、紐約、溫哥華、香港、澳門、菲律賓、印尼雅加達、棉蘭、奧克蘭、尼泊爾、東馬古晉。






一貫道簡介 A brief introduction to Yi-Guan Dao (I-Kuan Tao)



Yi-Guan Dao (I-Kuan Tao) is the belief in and worship of God (Lord of all souls). It is the Truth inherited from the teachings of Confucius, which is the same Truth taught by the founders of the five world religions*. Yi-Guan Dao (I-Kuan Tao) was established by Patriarch Lu Zhong-YI (our Great Patriarch Jin-Gong), 17th Patriarch of the later stage of the East Dao (Tao) Orthodoxy. In 1930, God ordered Zhang Guang-Bi and Sun Hui-Ming (our venerable holy teachers -- the 18th Patriarchs), who were both disciples of Lu Zhong-YI, to carry on the Dao (Tao) Orthodoxy and preach the Great Dao (Tao) to reveal Enlightenment to humanity and all creatures and to save all souls. In addition, they established the instructions for The Purpose of Dao(Tao)*.




We, as disciples and members of the Yi-Guan Dao (I-Kuan Tao), respectfully practice the principles of "The Purpose of Dao (Tao)." We behave in accordance with the Great Dao (Tao) as taught by Confucius; this is a way of transforming ourselves internally to become people of wisdom, virtue, like a sage and externally to be an exemplary leader, like a great ruler (do it to pursue our objectives in both theory and practice). We encourage filial piety towards our parents, affection towards our relatives, a loving disposition towards all people, and kindness towards all creatures. We revere our own elders and extend a similar reverence towards the elders of other families; we treat our own young with kindness and extend a similar kindness to the young of other families. When all people adopt these principles and conduct themselves accordingly, the world will be transformed; everyone will live as one family. Thereafter, the World of Da-Tong (Dah-Torng)* -- the ideal world of Confucius -- will be achieved.

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